Saturday, April 17, 2010

My hair WON'T HOLD COLOR!!! Help!!! :(...?

In the last two years, my hair has been bleached and redyed three times (please, don't criticize me, I realize how stupid this was). It's brown and I originally dyed it black and my husband hated it so I had to bleach it and I also put some highlights in it. Then, I decided to go ALL LIGHT blonde. That was too expensive to keep getting my roots done so I went back to brown (from a bottle).

Now, my hair will NOT hold color virtually AT ALL. After two shampoos with very expensive Wella hair care for color trated hair AND with cool water, the color is virtually gone. I'm left with brassy/orangish colored ends that feel like horses hair.

After I get out of the shower (wella shampoo and conditioner) I put a leave in conditioner/detangler on and then Biosilk on the bottom half of my hair (the dry parts).

Any suggestions? (please!!!) lol

My hair WON'T HOLD COLOR!!! Help!!! :(...?
DEEP CONDITIONING! leave it in for about 2-3 hours and hold a hair dryer to it so it can work better do it every 2 weeks. also the reason why it dont catch the color is b/c you have dyed it too much so your hair doesnt hold the color in it. so i suggest using those semi permanent to cover that color you have right now but no permanent color though the more you dye it the worse it will get.

semi perm. colors dont damage as much as permanent color so its ok to use,

deep treatment lots of it and get good deep conditioner not those cheap ones or hot oil ones they dont work. if you can try getting a brand called emergency 911they sell it in one time packets or bottle its kinda pricy butit will really help your hair.
Reply:if you're dying yourself, then make sure that you're not using washout dye. also try to get a kit that comes with a tube of color-saving condition, because its stronger than other color-safe conditioners. for highlights try john freida's highlight activating line.

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